Assistance for Foreigners

  • Assistance for Foreigners
  • Emergencies

Emergency Numbers

Emergency Numbers
Situation Agency Number
Espionage National Intelligence Service 111
National Police Agency 113
Crime report National Police Agency 112
Fire, rescue, ambulance, medical emergency and hospital information 119 Safety Center 119
Contagious disease report and information Disease Control and Prevention Agency 1339
Red imported fire ant and other imported pest report Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs +82-54-912-0616
Crime and drug report Busan District Public Prosecutor’s Office 1301
Corruption and violation of civil rights Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission 1398
National defense help call, military crime, and sexual crime in the military Ministry of National Defense 1303
Military secrets, spy activities, and industrial espionage Defense Security Support Command 1337
Cyberterrorism Korea Internet & Security Agency 118
Smuggling Korea Customs Service 125
Emergency call at sea Korea Coast Guard 119
Railway crime Railway Police 1588-7722
Unlawful private horse racing Korea Racing Authority +82-80-8282-112
Animal roadkill Busan Baro Call Center 120


Situation Agency Number
Busan 120 Call Center Busan Civil Complaint Center 120 +82-51-120
World Time KT Corporation standard time service 116
Weather Forecast Korea Meteorological Institute 131
Post Office Customer Service Korea Post 1588-1300
Tourist Information Korea Tourism Organization 1330
Transportation Information Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport 1333
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